Nuus en foto's van ons lewe in Mosambiek!
News and pictures of our life in Mozambique

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Mostly when people hear we live in a very remote village in the North of Mozambique their first reaction is “I will never be able to do that!”. The truth of the matter is that I would think the same if it wasn’t for the journey I have realized we are all in…..

God is a gracious and a loving God – yes, He longs for the lost to know and worship Him and yes, they usually live in the not-so-easy places! BUT, He also doesn’t just, one day, out of the blue, throw you into an impossible situation and uproot you without any prior clues! Life really is a journey and with God walking with us, it is an exciting adventure!

Our adventure started about 13 years ago when we visited a missionary on the field – we went to help him with some building work as he started a new Bible school. Little did we know how the Lord would use this to forever change our lives! A Beautiful Day when our desires are in step with God’s desires!

God, being gracious, took us step by step – From Bible school to missions work in rural South Africa, to further training in England, language studies in Portugal, then to a big city in Mozambique and now here in a small village. Step by step He worked in our lives, each step preparing for the next!

We have lived in a “cozy” lttle granny flat, in a small, unmapped village now nearly a year and have learnt so much! We are building our own house and it is rightly called a “Hand-built House” as everything from the bricks to the frames to the cupboards are made by hand! A challenge for sure – we live an hour away from a small town and although growing in commerce, still very limited! Many times Alfred had to make a plan other than just going to the shop and buy the required item! The Mozambicans are excellent plan-makers and we have learnt many things form them in the process!!

We have also experienced God’s provision for every brick, frame and piece of wood! He has supplied in so many ways for this house – people, resources, finances – we stand in awe!! As in any adventure not all of it is fun and games – just watch any adventurous movie for prove!! We have struggled with loneliness, illnesses, discouragement, etc, but every time our Father came through for us, He is here with us in every challenge we meet!

But we are not here to live in peace in our new house and grow old on the veranda looking at the beautiful view!! Oh, no!! There is work to do! The people here speak mainly their own language and are very limited in the trade language, so our next step is to learn their language! The people are an unreached people group – once a very proud and rich tribe, but now reduced to poverty and hopelessness. In other villages further away, missionaries are seeing the first fruits as this people group comes to know God’s salvation and we are excited to see what God is going to do here! With longing hearts we pray for that day when the people here will worship the One True God! Won’t you long and pray with us?

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